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Selectmen's Minutes 10/29/2007


October 29, 2007

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma M. Smith, Stephen W, White, William Roach, Richard Leone and Frederick Gallup.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty.

OTHERS:  Tony Bergeron, Ann Nilsen, Howard Sargent and Sue Gottling.

The meeting was opened by Chairman Emma M. Smith at 7:04 PM.


Emma Smith read a letter the Board received from David Polito thanking the board for their support of the skateboard park.

Donna discussed three trees she would like to remove from the Safety Services Building property and plant at the new skateboard park.

Fred Gallup commented that he was impressed with the site work that was done and it was an outstanding job.


Public Hearing – Acceptance and Spending of FEMA Funds

Tony Bergeron was present to explain the receipt of the FEMA funds.  He stated that the last snow storm in April left a reat deal of damage.  He met with officials of FEMA to show them what had occurred.  The officials told him to apply for a grant for partial reimbursement of the  cost of  the damage received.  T. Bergeron stated that the total costs for repairs were approximately $91,000.00.  The grant was awarded and the Town of Sunapee received $70,931.75.  Before he can expend the funds, the Selectmen must accept the grant and authorize the Highway Department to expend the funds.  Howard Sargent stated his support and informed the Board that T. Bergeron was the only one who put the effort into applying.   The fire, police and  EMS did  not apply.  Motion was made and seconded (White/Gallup) to accept the funds and to allow the Road Agent to expend the funds the total of which is $70,931.75. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Council:  Hazard Mitigation

Courtney Daniell of the UVLSRPC was present to discuss the development of a Hazard Mitigation plan for the Town of Sunapee.  She explained that this plan must be approved by FEMA in order to be eligible for grant funding.  Funding is available for structural improvements to make it less likely that it could be lost in the event of a hazard.  C. Daniell stated that every local municipality should have a plan in place.  The UVLSRPC is offering free development of plans.  This would require a few hours of meeting time.  The end product is to develop a prioritized implemental schedule.  At the end of the plan a schedule will be introduced.  This plan must be updated in a 5 year cycle.  The plan would cover man made and natural hazards.  C. Daniell stated that a committee would have to be formed to develop the plan.  Steve White asked how many towns are participating.  C. Daniell replied that 6 are at the present.  She stated that if towns do not receive assistance from UVLSRPC that they may be forced to join a regional plan.  Members of the committee are comprised of emergency personnel, police and fire, and town officials plus residents of neighboring communities.  

Howard Sargent stated that this is not the same plan that he is currently working on.  The mitigation plan includes buildings and lands and the town’s infrastructure; anything that is essential to the town’s operations and cultural value.  He stated that it would be a step forward for the Town of Sunapee to be eligible for these funds and he is in favor of the development of this plan.  C. Daniell stated that she needs the Board to sign a Memo of Understanding and left one for their review.  She stated that it is not a contract, but an understanding.  The Board of Selectmen agreed to review the memo and get back to C. Daniel with their decision.  

Howard Sargent reported that Fire Extinguisher Training is being held for town employees on November 20 from 9:30 AM to 1 PM.

Richard Leone raised discussion on what the UVLSRPC was doing  about waste management.  He had heard that they were looking for two Selectmen from every town in Sullivan County to study this and asked if this was mandatory and if the Sunapee Board wanted to join in.  He received notice that a meeting to discuss this is being held on November 8th at the Claremont Technical College. R. Leone recommended that a certified letter be sent stating that the Sunapee Board does not want to be a part of this.  Fred Gallup agreed stating that the Board’s main objective is not to do anything county wide.  William Roach stated that the County should clearly know that Sunapee is not interested.  Stephen White suggested that a Selectman attend to see what the meeting is about.  Fred Gallup offered to attend the meeting and will attempt to make known the objections of the Sunapee Board of Selectmen to getting involved in any kind of collaborative method.  Stephen White stated that he will attend as well.  

Discussion was held on the County deficit with Representative Sue Gottling.  She stated that the Finance Committee had a meeting today and she found it very interesting.  S. Gottling reported that they learned at the meeting that purchase orders from the previous
year were being paid out of the current year’s budget.  The Finance Committee  made the decision that the commissioners may not transfer anything over $5,000 from one line item to another and each time a transfer is made, the Finance Committee must be notified with an explanation.

Donna Nashawaty handed out information containing the salaries of county administrators.  Sullivan County is the only county with a County Manager.  William Roach stated that there are 3 meetings being held by the County Commissioners and he is planning on attending one.  Fred Gallup asked S. Gottling what the County Commissioners intended to do about the deficit.  S. Gottling stated that Commissioner Barrett stated they would be looking to see where the budget can be cut.  Donna Nashawaty stated that she has received a letter from the Tax Coalition requesting that a resolution be placed on the Town Warrant.  Emma Smith asked that this item be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.


        September 24 and October 15:  Emma Smith asked that these be discussed at the next meeting of the Board.  She has some corrections she will go over with the recording secretary.  Motion made and seconded (White/Gallup) to discuss these at the next meeting.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.


Warrant for Second Issue 2007 Taxes

Donna Nashawaty presented the warrant for signature and explained the increase in the rate of $1.84 per thousand.  The total rate is $13.50.  Fred Gallup read the warrant in the total of $8 million plus.  D. Nashawaty reported that the bills will go out this week and will be due December 1st.

Appointment of Health Officer:  Michael Dashner

Donna Nashawaty explained that this is an appointment made by the State Health Department based on a recommendation from the Selectmen.  Motion made and seconded (Gallup/White) to recommend Michael Dashner as Health Officer for the Town of Sunapee.  Emma Smith stated that she would like to meet with M. Dashner before recommendation of the appointment.  The vote was 4 in favor and the motion carried.

Date for Boston Post Cane Presentation

Donna Nashawaty reported that she will be picking up the cane from the jewelers on Wednesday.  She has purchased a case for the original cane to be displayed in the lobby of the Town Hall.  Also a plaque will be on display.  Richard Leone offered to call Helene Nutting’s brother to make arrangements for presentation of the cane on Friday at 12:30 PM.


Emma Smith raised the subject discussed at the previous meeting where Brian Garland complained that the noise of the large truck brakes wake his family up during the early morning hours.  She asked who dealt with noise ordinances.  D. Nashawaty explained that the Town does have one on file.  The Police can respond to complaints of noise.  D. Nashawaty asked if the use of brakes was irresponsible.  Fred Gallup stated that it was at the discretion of the driver.  It was suggested that the driver of the truck and Brian Garland attend a Selectmen’s meeting to see what can be resolved.  


Donna Nashawaty presented the Selectmen with an agenda for Saturday’s budget session.  A copy is attached to the file copy of these minutes.

D. Nashawaty presented the Selectmen with a list of area Selectmen’s meetings.  Please see agenda attached to file copy of these minutes.  The Selectmen will discuss this at another meeting.  

Meeting adjourned at 9:25 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved__________________

______________________________          ____________________________
Emma M. Smith, Chairman                         Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

______________________________          ____________________________
William Roach                                   Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup